Today’s episode was deep. Our guest was none other than one of the most respected Keto coaches out there, Coach Tara Garrison. What I love about Tara is even though she is an expert in Keto, she is not a zealot with it. She is not dogmatic on any one approach being the best for a client. She educated us on how to properly use Keto, and why throwing in carbs can be such a valuable tool. We also talked about Tara’s personal story, which was deep and meaningful, to say the least. Her journey of leaving a religion she was very involved in, her thoughts on plant medicine and redefining herself after having four kids and a divorce. I was absolutely honored to have Tara on the show and I know this one will be worth the hour you spend.


Check out Tara’s

Follow her Podcast – Inside Out Health With Tara Garrison


Connect with us on Instagram

Host Brad Jensen – @thesoberbodybuilder

Co-Host Michelle Raines – @mykeylife

Guest Tara Garrison – @coachteragarrison

Key Nutrition – @keynutrition