7 years ago I was in a constant state of pitiful and incomprehensible demoralization. Homeless, helpless and hopeless. Everyday was like Ground Hogs Day. Doing the same shit and honestly, just hoping I somehow lived another day to do it all over again.
By the grace of a loving god, I decided to do something different on November 20th, 2012. I was at a jumping off point. I couldn’t face the fact of going on one more day using the drugs, and couldn’t face NOT using them.
I had so much fear and honestly, very little hope I could actually get sober. But I thought to myself, “What other choice do you have? A bullet?”. I was backed into a corner. I gave this recovery thing an HONEST shot. It’s crazy how one decision can change the trajectory of your whole life ✨
If you could have painted a picture of what my life would look like 7 years later, I would have asked you what dope you were on because you were definitely high and quite frankly, I wanted some! Lol
I owe my sobriety to a loving god of my own understanding, the 12 Steps and support from amazing people like you. We are truly just spiritual beings having human experiences. To say I feel grateful on this day, would be a huge understatement.
Today’s episode was dedicated to that. Michelle interviewed me on the 7 most impactful things I have learned in my 7 years of sobriety. It applies to all aspects of life, that’s what’s super cool. Enjoy the episode!
7 Impactful things I’ve learned in 7 years:
7 – Fall down 9 times, get up 10
6 – One day at a time
5 – Resentment is drinking poison, and expecting the other person to die
4 – My feelings aren’t facts
3 – Life is one big lesson – no winning or losing (life on life terms)
2 – Acceptance was the answer to all of my problems today
1 – Gratitude is the fuel for life
Connect with us on Instagram
Host Brad Jensen – @thesoberbodybuilder
Co-Host Michelle Raines – @mykeylife
Key Nutrition – @keynutrition