On today’s show we had the one and only, Chelsea Patterson, also known as @sweatsandsnapbacks on IG. Chelsea was extremely vulnerable and opened up about the dramatic measures she took with her body to compete and how that was not the message she wanted to give to her kids. Her story was so impactful it brought me and Michelle to raw emotion. She talked about learning to be vulnerable and real in a world that often times, has turned very fake.
Her honesty on this episode about getting to a place of self love with her body, no matter how ripped she is or not, is a message that literally everyone needs to hear.
Chelsea is an NGA pro bikini competitor and she talked about how that is not really the route she wants to follow in her life anymore and some very real, and honest reasons as to why.
We feel blessed to have had her on our show!
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Connect with us on Instagram
Host Brad Jensen – @thesoberbodybuilder
Co-Host Michelle Raines – @mykeylife
Guest Chelsea Patterson – @sweatsandsnapbacks
Key Nutrition – @keynutrition