On today’s episode Michelle and I talked about the benefits of taking cold showers!
I have put on my Instagram story recently about my cold shower ventures and have received a lot of questions. So we figured we would fill you in on the hype.
Before we get into the benefits of cold showers, let’s establish the simple fact that hot showers are a luxury and not a necessity. Throughout most of human history, people had to bathe in whatever water was available to them. If you’ve ever went swimming in a lake, you can probably remember that the water often happened to be cold. The Greeks invented heating systems for public baths in the 1st century BC, but interestingly enough, many Greeks chose to continue bathing in cold water due to the health benefits
Cold shower benefits include:
- Increased alertness
- Improved recovery
- Strengthened immune system
- Better mood
- Possible fat burning and metabolism boosting benefits
I also wanted to give a shout of to the homie Mitch Mathews (@mitchmathews10) who is doing a cold shower challenge. He is a former podcast guest so give him a follow on Instagram if you aren’t already!
Tune in for a more in-depth look at the benefits as well as a short story on why to stay clear of the “Gym Bro’s” mirror space. LOL
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Host Brad Jensen – @thesoberbodybuilder
Co-Host Michelle Raines – @mykeylife
Key Nutrition – @keynutrition