On today’s episode Michelle and I talked about setting calories for muscle gain as well as how to know if you have been dieting for too long by checking biofeedback.
The base of the episode was spent on gym tips coming back. How girls still don’t want to be hit on at the gym. How grunting should only be allowed for the last rep on failure of a heavy ass movement. People think your strange and annoying for grunting on rep 3 so please stop.
Don’t slam your weights, nobody likes it but you and your buddy filming you on the gram.
Also just be kind. Be kind to others if they want to wear a mask or choose not to. If it’s not “required” in certain states, and you are making the decision to go, just don’t judge. We are all adults with agency.
Be kind as we get back to what we love oh so much.
Enjoy the show!
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Connect with us on Instagram
Host Brad Jensen – @thesoberbodybuilder
Co-Host Michelle Raines – @mykeylife
Key Nutrition – @keynutrition