On todays show, I was joined by one of my mentee clients, Diane Flores. We had a great discussion about all things macros, flexible dieting, meal plans and learning to put yourself on the front burner.
Diane’s Bio:
Welcome! I’m so glad you landed here to learn a little about us. I’m Diane Flores, the founder of Venus Fitness Studio. My story is super duper long so I’ll spare you the nitty gritty. I grew up having no friends. I was awkward and painfully introverted. I was catapulted into being a single teen mom of 2 little babies at 16 years old, had severe health issues that landed me around 200 pounds and in the hospital and eventually, many years later, took a leap on making my favorite passion (fitness) my livelihood and life’s work. I never imagined Venus would grow to what it is today, but I always knew one thing had to be certain. That every single woman that walks thru our doors feels welcomed. Growing up without friends in middle school and high school, being made fun of, eating lunch in the high school bathroom was all so overwhelming. Sometimes I think that’s what it’s like for women when they enter a gym or a new fitness studio- lost, nervous, intimidated and self-conscious. I know that was certainly me the first time I took my first Jazzercise class circa 1994! While I have a laundry list of accomplishments in health, fitness, nutrition and the like- my claim to fame is that you will always feel like Venus is your safe space to be YOU, challenge your body, find new friends and get back to working on your most important investment- your body! So just know, even if you are new, you can ALWAYS sit with us #MeanGirlsQuote I AM LIVING PROOF THAT NO MATTER WHO YOU ARE OR WHERE YOU COME FROM, YOU CAN ACHIEVE ANY GOAL YOU SET YOUR MIND TO. Let’s do this sh!t.
Website – www.venusfitnessstudio.com
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Host Brad Jensen – @thesoberbodybuilder
Guest Diane Flores – @dianeflores_ifbb_pro
Key Nutrition – @keynutrition