On today’s show, Michelle and I were joined by fellow Key Nutrition Coach Chelsey Bird. We discussed the pros and cons of dieting during the holidays and tips to navigate the holidays both mentally and physically with your health and fitness goals. We talked a lot about having a healthy mindset as we approach this fantastic time of year and how to implement that. Chelsey also has an amazing course for women she has put together called build your best self. It’s A 90-day coaching program for women designed to turn you into a nutrition guru, teach you how to build strong routines and healthy habits, redefine your relationship with food, shift your mindset and turn your body into a fat-burning machine. The link is below for more information!


Chelsey’s Program – https://chelseybird.typeform.com/to/zMNiMAr3?typeform-source=www.canva.com


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Connect with us on Instagram

Host Brad Jensen – @thesoberbodybuilder

Co-Host Michelle Raines  – @mykeylife

Guest Chelsey Bird – @chelsey.bird

Key Nutrition – @keynutrition