Today’s episode was a bonus episode on my feelings on the ever growing drug epidemic. I can’t sit back and be quiet about this unfortunate issue. While not surprised, I am disappointed our “leaders” continue to brush this topic under the rug. I am very grateful I wasn’t using when this fentanyl rush came through the states and It’s killing people at rapid rates. There are many causes for this rush, including the lockdown measures and more access to the drugs, one reason being having our borders open. This is not an immigration issue; this is just facts. Fentanyl seizures are at all time high at the border, and that is just what’s being confiscated. When extreme measures are taken to protect people’s health, there will always be a flip side to that coin. Addiction, depression, and mental health issues are skyrocketing right now. We have to start thinking about ALL factors involved in HEALTH, including mental health. The crazy part about the above statistics is that it is just deaths from physical overdoses. Coming from someone who lived on the streets and lived that life, I am here to tell you that number is significantly higher when we take into play deaths as a result of drugs and alcohol. DUI fatalities, shootings, stabbings, and all other murders due to the drug game. CDC’s National Center for Health Statistics indicates an estimated 100,306 drug overdose deaths in the United States during the 12 months ending in April 2021, increasing 28.5% from the 78,056 deaths during the prior year. The new data estimated overdose deaths from opioids increased to 75,673 in the 12 months, up from 56,064 the year before. Overdose deaths from synthetic opioids (primarily fentanyl) and drugs such as methamphetamine also increased significantly. Cocaine deaths also increased, as did deaths from natural and semi-synthetic opioids (such as prescription pain medication) Unlike the pandemic, which hit elderly Americans hardest, this epidemic is hitting young to middle-aged people the hardest. Among adults aged 35–44, the age group with the highest rates, drug overdose deaths increased 33% from 2019 to 2020. I don’t know the answer, but I know pretending like it’s not happening is the first step. These are not bad people trying to get good; these are sick people who need to get well. Let them know they are loved, even if that means boundaries. Say a prayer tonight for the addict who is still suffering; they need it.
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