Online Check-In

    Client Name

    Current Weight

    Last Week's Weight

    How compliant was your last week?

    (Scale 1-5, 5 being high/great and 1 being low/not good)

    What are you current daily calories/macros?

    What were your actual calorie/macro daily averages?

    Did you attend all your workouts this week?

    [group workouts-cond clear_on_hide]

    How many did you miss and why?


    What were your average steps for the week?

    Bio Feedback

    (Scale 1-5, 5 being high/great and 1 being low/not good)

    Stress: (1 low, 5 high)

    Hunger: (1 low, 5 high)

    Recovery: (1poor, 5 Great)

    Energy: (1 low, 5 High)

    Digestion: (1 poor, 5 great)

    Sleep: (1 poor, 5 Great)

    Cravings: (1 low, 5 high)

    Overall Mood: (1 poor, 5 great)

    Did you have any frustrations or deviations this week?

    What was one big win for the week.

    What will you do better next week and how will you do it?

    What can I do to help you more?