This week we had the opportunity to interview one of our newer coaches Parker Kuehn. We will be doing these Coach Spotlight episodes every Monday for the next several weeks. If you like the episode, make sure to post it on your story and give Parker a follow!


Parker’s Bio

I began my “true” fitness journey a little more than 5 years ago. I started by saying “true” fitness journey, because like many of us I thought I was really well versed in fitness and nutrition. I had been involved in weight training and competitive sports since my early teen years. Until I was exposed to specializing approaches to nutrition and training I had no idea how far in the wrong direction I had gone for years – all the while thinking that I was “really” active in my fitness and nutrition at a high level! I reached so many points of stagnation and regression without explanation over the years. Finally, a friend who also happened to be a nutrition coach pointed out that even though “he” was a nutrition coach, he still needed his “own” coach to be accountable to, and that all the best coaches have their own nutrition coaches and do not presume to “coach” themselves! This blew my mind and instantly I knew that I wanted and needed a nutrition/fitness coach of my own! The day I began working with my “own” nutrition coach I was instantly hooked! It opened up a whole new world and changed my life forever!

I have a colorful background ranging from University of Utah Football staff member, law enforcement, and clinical director. For the past 5 years I specialized in hormonal replacement therapies and sexual health. Working with patients on a daily basis in a very specializing clinical setting. I was exposed to the overwhelming need that all patients/clients have for correction in their life. However, over time I began to realize that the majority of corrections that most need in their lives were not going to be provided by a “magic pill or medication” and given my knowledge and passion for fitness and nutrition, I found myself spending the majority of my time consulting with patients about their daily habits, sleep, fitness routine, and especially their nutrition! Astonishingly over the course of years I encountered more patients that benefited more from my fitness, lifestyle, and nutrition consulting far more than any medications or treatments being provided in this clinical setting! This lead me to gain certifications in nutrition/fitness and eventually I made the big decision to walk away from my career and exit my role as a clinical director and pursue fitness and nutrition coaching exclusively! So, I truly mean that from the moment I embarked on my own fitness journey with a nutrition coach, my life was changed forever! – And now I have the privilege of making each day about the impact I can create as a coach!


Connect with us on Instagram

Host Brad Jensen – @thesoberbodybuilder

Co-Host Michelle Raines  – @mykeylife

Guest Coach Parker Kuehn – @parkeratkey

Key Nutrition – @keynutrition