On today’s episode we had none other than my very own doctor and good friend, Vaughn Johnson on the podcast.
There is nothing like a very well qualified doctors input on the Coronavirus, hormones and nutrition.
The first third of the episode was spent on his thoughts on Covid-19. Ways to keep safe and supplementation that could help boost your immune system during such a vulnerable time.
The next third was spent on hormones. Why we are seeing drops in levels at a younger age compared to 50 years ago. Different warning signs of hormone deficiency as well what to ask your doctor to test for when you get a hormone panel check. His message of treating people and not labs was something that was really profound.
The last part of this amazing episode was spend on how nutrition ties into hormones. How important it is to eat real food and the direct correlation it has to hormones.
Enjoy this episode!
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Host Brad Jensen – @thesoberbodybuilder
Co-Host Michelle Raines – @mykeylife
Key Nutrition – @keynutrition