On today’s show, I was joined by my friend Lindsay Parker, also known as liftinglindsay on Instagram. We discussed all things building muscle and strength training. Linsday is incredibly educated when it comes to biomechanics and human anatomy when it comes to changing the body. We also talked about finding self-worth and empowerment during your fitness journey and what that truly means. Lastly, we discussed her most recent 12-week cut and her takeaways.
More about Lindsay: First and foremost, a wife and mother of 3. I have a deep passion for learning and teaching. I also really love lifting weights and fitness. Our body is an amazing God-given gift and it continues to amaze me. It’s my hope to help you appreciate and take care of your bodies as a means to enrich the rest of you lives with your families and loved ones.
Lindsay’s App – www.liftinglindsay.com
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Connect with us on Instagram
Host Brad Jensen – @thesoberbodybuilder
Key Nutrition – @keynutrition