I was joined by the awesome co-host Michelle Raines on today’s show. I first gave my review on two different items. First was Magic Spoon cereal. The second was the supplement Turkekestone which has generated a lot of buzz. You will hear my thoughts if either is worth it. The main topic we covered was the “crabs in the bucket” theory of others trying to drag you down when trying to do better for yourself. We also gave you tips to avoid letting others do that to you.


Minstrong Event – https://becomenextlevel.com/mindstrong-event/


Be, Breathe, Become Event Scheduling – https://calendly.com/michelleraines/be-breathe-become?month=2022-02


Schedule Your Discovery Call – https://calendly.com/kevin-nextlevel/next-level-discovery-call


Discount code: keynutrition for 20% off your first Legion order.

Order Legion Supplements -> https://bit.ly/3mHRqYV


Connect with us on Instagram

Host Brad Jensen – @thesoberbodybuilder

Co-Host Michelle Raines  – @thebreathwithinyou

Key Nutrition – @keynutrition