I was joined today’s show by the one and only Dala McDevitt, also known as Dala Loves Dumbbells. Dala owns and operates DLD Nation, with over 1500 current clients in their coaching company. She is also the Next Level Coaching Academy owner, which helps nutrition coaches turn their knowledge set into a business. Dala opened up about her current struggles with fertility treatments and how that has affected her mindset and Body. We also spoke of her love for the gym and turned that into a business. Lastly, we covered what it means to be a female powerhouse plus much more.
Minstrong Event – https://becomenextlevel.com/mindstrong-event/
Schedule Your Discovery Call – https://calendly.com/kevin-nextlevel/next-level-discovery-call
Discount code: keynutrition for 20% off your first Legion order.
Order Legion Supplements -> https://bit.ly/3mHRqYV
Dala’s Website – http://dldnation.com
Connect with us on Instagram
Host Brad Jensen – @thesoberbodybuilder
Dala McDevitt –
Key Nutrition – @keynutrition