On today’s bonus episode, i was joined by my partners on the Next Level Experience Kevin and Altee Dapper and Brad Traylor, a recent participant of The Next Level Experience. Brad shared his journey through The Next Level. He shared his initial hesitancies about investing and what finally got him to pull the trigger. Brad is a very honest man so his genuine input on The Next Level was very much appreciated. If you have even had a small inkling to check out The Next Level, you need to check this podcast out!


Schedule your discovery call for the upcoming round of The Next Level Experience – https://calendly.com/kevin-nextlevel/next-level-discovery-call?month=2022-04


Previous Next Level Episodes –

KNP290 – keynutrition.com/knp290/

KNP216 – keynutrition.com/knp216

KNP184 – keynutrition.com/knp184


Podcast Q&A Submissions – https://becomenextlevel.com/podcast-qa-submission/


Discount code: keynutrition for 20% off your first Legion order.

Order Legion Supplements -> https://bit.ly/3mHRqYV


Connect with us on Instagram

Host Brad Jensen – @thesoberbodybuilder

Altee Dapper – @myhealingworks

Kevin Dapper – @kevin.dapper

Key Nutrition – @keynutrition