On today’s show I was joined by Lindsay Parker for round 2! We discussed all things muscle building, proper training and also boundaries when it comes to social media. Here is more about Lindsay:

First and foremost a wife and mother of 3. I have a deep passion for learning and teaching. I also really love lifting weights and fitness. Our body is an amazing God-given gift and it continues to amaze me. It’s my hope to help you appreciate and take care of your bodies as a means to enrich the rest of you lives with your families and loved ones.


Linday’s Website – www.LiftingLindsay.com


Your Greatest Life –https://www.greatestdaymindset.com/programs


Social Macro Tracking, What Do I Eat & Cookbook Downloads – https://becomenextlevel.com/social-macro-tracking-free-e-book/


The CURED $10,000 Elevation Challenge – https://www.facebook.com/groups/thecuredelevation


Free Community Circle -> https://calendly.com/michelleraines/breathe

Podcast Q&A Submissions –> https://bit.ly/3c74i7A


Cured Nutrition Discount code: Brad

Order from Cured Nutrition -> https://bit.ly/3z0mkBv


Discount code: keynutrition for 20% off your first Legion order.

Order Legion Supplements -> https://bit.ly/3mHRqYV


Connect with us on Instagram

Host Brad Jensen – @thesoberbodybuilder

Co-Host Lifting Lindsay  – @liftinglindsay

Key Nutrition – @keynutrition