Today’s Podcast was a special one. We had Maria Ayne, also known as nutritionistmaria on social media platforms, join us. A powerful episode where we covered so many different topics. I have wanted to have Maria on our show for a long time now because her message is so raw and authentic. The diversity she brought to the podcast by talking about subjects like spirituality, meditation and how it all plays into the game of fitness, was phenomenal. We explore just how much of a mind – body – spirit game we are all playing. I am confident you will get a lot out of this episode!
More About Maria

Maria Ayne is a nutritionist and behavior specialist who helps people overcome a destructive relationship with food—from food addiction, binge eating, compulsive eating, emotional eating, to intake restriction. Her journey began in an effort to overcome her own struggles with food. Along this journey, she realized that we all want to be as fit and healthy as we can be. She wondered, if we all place a high value on our health and vitality why do some many people find it so difficult to make healthy choices. If we have a strong instinctual aversion to harming ourselves or our bodies, why do these instincts seem to fall short when it comes to harmful junk-foods and other manmade stimulants? She has committed her career to provide the world with these answers, by using a unique approach that merges new scientific data with old spiritual teachings. Her system is one that integrates mind, body, and spirit for a holistic approach to recovery. Maria is the creator of a revolutionary 90 day online program that focuses on these issues, and is the author of ‘The Eating Enigma,’ a book that provides strategies to overcome these issues.
Show Links
Check her out on IG – @nutritionistmaria
Get her book today – The Eating Enigma
Visit her website –