On today’s episode we were blessed to sit down with former NFL Athlete, Robert Johnson
Also known as “Ro-Jo”, he was a star safety at the University of Utah. He left the inner city for the first time ever in his life to come to Utah, a place he had actually never heard of. Ro-Jo went on to be not only the first individual in his family to go to college, but the first one to graduate. His road to get there was not an easy deal.
We talked about the value in just doing the next right thing, because you never know who is watching. We talked the perseverance to never back down, no matter the odds. Everything from the lessons he learned from playing with Pro Bowl NFL players, to being the Sugar Bowl Champions in 2008, to now being a dad and working man.
I think so often as people go through their life thinking they will always just be an athlete, never really looking at what’s next. The defining process that so many have to do after it all ends, is a topic we discussed that I think so many of you will be able to resonate with.
Connect with us on Instagram
Host Brad Jensen – @thesoberbodybuilder
Co-Host Michelle Raines – @mykeylife
Guest – @robertljohnson32
Key Nutrition – @keynutrition